‘In all walks of life we frame our understandings based on the lens we apply and the
lives we have lived’
Who we are
BAC-IN is an award winning specialist drug and alcohol recovery service aimed at individuals, families and carers from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities. A community inspired, grass roots organisation founded in 2003 by individuals in recovery.
Meet the Team

Sohan Sahota
Managing Director
Steven Smith
Recovery Support Volunteer

David Marchant
NLP Practitioner/Volunteer

Llewelyn Gomes
Recovery Coach/Volunteer
Our approach
Our approach is culturally sensitive, peer led, adaptable and inclusive, enabling individuals and families to receive help with addiction recovery, gambling, mental health and well-being.
The essence of lived experience, transformative recovery and cultural expertise is at the heart of BAC-IN’s guiding philosophy, organisational principles and service delivery.
Collaborative work
We work in partnership with GP’s and local health and social care providers sharing good practice, consultancy and training.
Alternative model
The need to form BAC-IN was driven in response to an ‘unmet need’, under-representation and gap within commissioned mainstream drug and alcohol services in Nottingham. BAC-IN provides an alternative model that is culturally responsive & offers a choice of psycho-social, cultural, faith-based and spiritual perspectives to addiction recovery, rehabilitation and well-being.

Our Vision
To enable individuals to achieve sustainable recovery, make responsible lifestyle changes and build positive relationships.
Our Ethos
BAC-IN is a grass roots service that offers innovative solutions inspired by lived experience, positive impact of Transformative Recovery and shared voices of the under-served/seldom engaged Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities .
Our dedicated staff and volunteers (former service users) are deeply committed to making a difference in transforming lives of individuals and their families.
Service users (we prefer to call ‘friends of BAC-IN’) are at the heart of BAC IN’s philosophy, service design, peer led engagement through to planning and decision making. We are deeply committed to service user involvement, consultation and participation.

BAC-IN 2 Life recovery is an expression of the community an ‘energy of change’ inspired by the communities.
Our Approach (continued)
We provide a holistic and culturally tailored approach to addiction recovery, mental health and multiple disadvantage to help individuals to realise the best of their life potential.
BAC-IN’s peer led values are rooted in:
• Offering warmth, welcome and a
non-judgmental approach
• Respect for human dignity,
autonomy and empowerment
of personal responsibility
• Shared equality within the
therapeutic relationship
• Never turning anyone away who
needs help regardless of their
ethnicity or background
• Going the extra mile and never
giving up on anyone